One Great Bustard of a Birthday

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The day dawns on my "big birthday"

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I like to do something memorable for my birthdays, especially the "big ones".  Probably the most memorable of all was my 40th birthday, when I returned to my sailing roots at Mount's Bay Sailing Club in Cornwall, taking my daughter (then aged 13) with me to race our Mirror Dinghy in an open regatta there.  The weather was pretty rough, with waves taller than the boat; we lost our mast during the first upwind leg, and had to be towed back to shore by the safety boat. The boat filled to the gunwales with water, like a giant bathtub, and almost sank. (I'm the only person I know who's been dismasted in a Mirror, and I've done it twice, both at Mount's Bay!) 
A close second for memorableness was my 49th birthday - not a round number, but a perfect square - when I played in a concert in the Grand Philharmonic Hall in St Petersburg, Russia. (Couldn't do that nowadays!)
So to my 60th - with a big family party planned for later in the year, the day itself was set to be quite a low-key celebration.  I had the day booked off work, and a lunch date with my lovely wife; I thought I might fit in a morning bike ride, "60(km) at 60", or something along those lines.
As the day approached, with a fine weather forecast, I hit upon the idea of making a second attempt to see and photograph the spectacular courtship dance of the great bustard, a huge and rare bird which has three breeding sites here in the state of Brandenburg.  I have seen and photographed them once before, in late May 2020, but that had been a bit late in the mating season to see them in their full splendour, so I decided to give it another go now, in early May.
It was a good 50km from my home in Potsdam to the bustard reserve, so to be on site by sunrise - 5.30 am on that day at that location - at my modest cycling speed, I'd have to leave by about 2am, which meant a 1am alarm clock.  Truly, I was maximising the waking hours on my birthday!  To make it even better, I expected to have the full moon for company - it was exact full moon that night, with moonrise at 20.46 and moonset at 05.19.  Forecast for clear skies and a light wind.  What could possibly be better?


Full moon above the bike path between Falkenrehde and Ketzin

Still, I was a bit nervous as I pedalled off into the night.  Brandenburg state is crawling with dangerous wild animals.  It's the wolf capital of Germany - there are regular reports of confirmed wolf sightings and roadkills in the immediate area round Potsdam, and while you'll see lots of reassuring statements like "there's never been a wolf attack on a cyclist in Germany", well, this could be explained by there not being any cyclists out in the depths of the countryside in the middle of the night. Except me ...!
Then, there are plenty of wild boar around, which - while not quite as dramatic to talk about as wolves - have a proven track record of conflict with humans.  Even a deer blundering across the bike path in the dark could inflict a fair bit of damage.
In fact, I did adapt my outward route to avoid a section where I have recently seen churned-up soil alongside the bike path, the tell-tale sign of wild boar activity. All was quiet as I headed up through the village of Marquardt; then along the bike path from Falkenrehde to Ketzin with the full moon dead ahead above the avenue of trees (photo above); along the road continuing westwards to Roscow, with a surprisingly steady trickle of motor vehicles for the wee small hours of a Tuesday in early May; and then right off into the wilds, on a disused railway track crossing open countryside and a nature reserve towards Ketzür, which was the section I was really nervous about.  The ride passed off peacefully and uneventfully, though - just the odd rustle in the bushes either side of the path, to keep me on edge - until I rejoined the country roads north of Ketzür, just as dawn was beginning to tinge the sky. (Photo at the top of this article.)

The beauty of the setting moon behind a stand of trees in the middle distance convinced me to take the time to unpack my big Nikon camera from the pannier for a few photos. In the event, the photos turned out rather underwhelmingly - it seems I've got a bit out of practice at getting the best from the Nikon, since I don't have much occasion to use it these days. 


Nice moonset, underwhelming photo

Despite the unplanned stop, I was still fully set up in the hide at 05.23, a few minutes ahead of sunrise time.  Cautiously peeping around the hedges of the approach road on my ride in, I hadn't seen any signs of the bustards yet, so I settled down to wait.  I'd been wondering whether I'd find the hide already crowded with local birdwatchers, but as it turned out I was all alone for the first couple of hours - a few others started showing up just as I was thinking of leaving!


All the essential equipment for a long bustard-watching vigil

The hide at Garlitz

The sun putting in its first appearance at 05.41

Then it was just a question of waiting, sipping coffee, and scanning the surrounding fields for signs of activity.  Entertainment was provided by hares, an amorous pair of cranes, and swallows sitting in the nearby trees.  The absence of bustards was quite frustrating, though.



One swallow makes the summer: I'd never realised that they have such orange faces

Slightly clumsy attempt at making crane babies

"Let's go and try it again somewhere less public"

With a lunch date to get to, I couldn't wait around indefinitely, and I was just getting ready to give up when one of the sharp-eyed newcomers spotted one solitary bustard in the very far distance; the only sighting of the morning. (If you want to see some better photos, scroll back up to the second paragraph and follow the link to my trip from 3 years ago!)


"One great bustard of a birthday" - just discernible at the extreme range of my 600mm lens!

Not much to say about the ride home - retracing the same route - except that it was sunny and pleasant; as I had the long lens with me, I stopped en route to photograph a nesting grebe near Ketzin, which I'd spotted on a previous ride.


Grebes at Ketzin

I was home in good time to shower, change and metamorphose from all-night-cyclist mode to posh-local-gastropub mode. Lunch was delicious, the company delightful of course! I certainly could claim that I'd crammed a lot of fun into my big day!


Medallions of local rare-breed pork wrapped in bacon with mushrooms and rosemary sauté potatoes (and a nice glass of wine)

Happy birthday to me!


Avg Pace: 
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Activity id: 
Strava title: 
"What did you do for your 60th birthday, Grandpa?"
Total photo count: 
One Great Bustard of a Birthday
Summary Polyline: 
"I cycled all night to go and see some bustards, only the bustards didn't show up 😭😂"
Average speed: 
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